Published on March 10, 2004 By PaulEric In Stardock Software
When you set up this new version of SDC, the "Skins and Themes" section started to mess up !
Impossible to get a fresh "updated skins" list. The thumbnail panel is absolutely useless as it looks now. Takes ages to show this one skin I want to see... when it shows anything at all.
Very often shows 30-40 times the same skin in a section.
Tried to install every single update, but it's always the same. Boy, why the heck did you change it...? It was working very fine before !!

Sorry if I read a bit negative, but I'm as much disappointed as I was happy before.


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Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 29, 2004

Hi there,

Thought i better chip in here. After weeks now of trying to figure out what causes this i have finally managed to find it and fix the problem... i think The problem relates to when you use both the skins/themes and the discussion sections within sdc. When both try and update at the same time, they currupt each others files when writing data.

There should be an update to fix the problem going up pretty soon, but for now if you want to get round the problem try just sticking to using one section at a time. If your going to use the skins and themes section, then dont click on the discussion section while your within SDC.


on Apr 01, 2004
Thanks Brian and Gary. I just got back to the discussions group after about a week of not being here, because of SDC problems. Frankly, I didn't have the time to do much about it till tonight. Anyway, I had finally got the skins and themes to work well, but then the discussions went bonkers. Every time I tried to open it, the program would shut down. Right now, after the , reboot, reinstall routine, things are working well. I will not open skins until I'm sure the discussions are done updating (whatever that means).

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on Apr 03, 2004

If you are using SDC build47 it should be ok to use both sections again. The bug has finally been fixed.


on Apr 03, 2004
Yippie!!!!! Hurrayyy!!! The wicked bug is dead!. Thank you, Brian. I'm using Build 47.

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on Apr 04, 2004

Dont forget to thank yrag for walking you through this too


on Apr 04, 2004
I have thanked Gary SOOOOOOO many times. He's walked me through this SOOOOOOOO many times. But, what the hell....

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